Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Source language
Romanian Declarație de politică privind SMI
Politica companiei este aplicată în toate zonele funcționale și de execuție, iar sistemul de management integrat este obligatoriu pentru toate nivelurile de conducere și execuție.
Este necesară traducerea corectă a sintagmelor: "zonă funcțională", "zonă de execuție", "nivel de conducere", "nivel de execuție".

Completed translations
English Political statement concerning SMI
Russian Положение о политике в отношении СМИ.
Source language
Latinh 3 Firbolg coloniam ex Australi ...
3 Firbolg coloniam ex Australi Britannia commigrasse.

4 Hanc et illos Linguis ab invicem distinctos.

5 Nemethi posteris Hiberniam deferentibus ex iis Danannas in Scandia Borealis Germaniae tractu peregrinatos inde in Borealem Britanniam reversos et commoratos usquedum in Borealem Hiberniam advecti Firbolg gentem deturbarint.

Bonjour, je fais des recherches sur les légendaires Firbolgs et je souhaite de l'aide pour cette traduction qui est le plus ancien que j'ai pu trouver dans mes recherches (issu de "Ogygia seu rerum hibernicarum chronologia", écrit par Roderick O'Flaherty en 1685).
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide pour traduire ce texte en Français de France et/ou en Anglais US ou Britannique :)

<edit> Before edit : "3 Firbolg coloniam ex Australi Britannia commi grasle

4 Hanc & illos Linguis ab invicem distinctos

5 Nemethi posteris Hiberniam deferentibus ex iis Danannas in Scandia Borealis Germanise fcractu pe regrinatos inde in Borealem Britanniam reverses & commoratos usquedum in Borealem Hiberniam ad vecti Firbolg gentem deturbarint" </edit> (01/15/francky thanks to Efylove who notified the edits to be done on this text)

Completed translations
English The Fir Bolg and the Túatha Dé Danann
French Les fir bolg et les Tuatha de Danann
Source language
English A Musician's Press Coverage
"The music has from time to time the same darkness as we know from Univers Zero." -Iconophobic album review
"[It is] far removed from the avant-garde parts of any musical universe"
"You need to tread carefully if you are entering the Iconophobic world of Salim. You have been warned."
"Iconophobic is a strong statement from Salim on life in his home city of Tehran."
"Without information freely given, the visceral heart of the creator will serendipitously change you."
"Without ever becoming predictable, and taking care to add in the odd dissonant or arhythmic segment, the gritty guitars and swirling violins create stunning contrasts..."
"...Hendrix and Santana have also obviously instructed the phenomenal axe genius that Salim truly is."
"After careful listening I really wasn't able to find any particular artists that have influenced them more than others, or indeed pinpoint any specific influences at all."
1. "axe" is a slang word for guitar.
2. "Iconophobic" is the name of a music album. (Please don't translate this word.)

Completed translations
Spanish Cobertura de prensa de un músico
Italian Rassegna Stampa su un Musicista
Romanian Revista presei despre un muzician
Portuguese brazilian Cobertura de imprensa de um músico
Russian ОБзор музыкальной Прессы
Danish En musikers pressedækning
Swedish En musikers pressbevakning
Bulgarian Преглед на музикалната преса
Polish Recenzje prasowe
Norwegian En musikers pressedekning
Turkish Müzisyenin Basın Eleştirisi
Hebrew כיסוי תקשורתי של מוזיקאי
Source language
English I've never...
I've never felt like this before. I'm overwhelmed by an unbelievable amount of hatred for him, yet I couldn't be more in love. It's like I want to throw him out into traffic, then risk my life to save him.

Completed translations
French Je n'ai jamais
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Russian facebook message
Болею!!!! Ужасный кашель, ужасная головная боль, ужасное состояние... Люди, похороните меня за плинтусом...
Before edit:
"Boleyuuu!!!! ujasnii kashel,ujasnaya golovnaya bol,ujasnoe sostoyanie... lyudi pohoronite menya za plintusom....." (Sunny)

Meaning only function is added.

Completed translations
English facebook message
Source language
French Nos règles de soumission de textes doivent être respectées obligatoirement
Bonjour, avant de soumettre un texte à traduction, ou de traduire un tel texte, s'il vous plaît veuillez prendre connaissance de [link=] [b]nos règles de soumission de textes[/b] [/link], car elles prévalent ici.

Car à partir de maintenant, nous ne dirons plus ni aux demandeurs, ni aux traducteurs pourquoi leurs demandes ou leurs traductions ont été rejetées et/ou enlevées.

[b]Les demandes qui seront soumises en ignorant ces règles seront supprimées sans autre explication que celles figurant au lien ci-dessus, et il en ira de même pour les traductions faites à partir de textes qui contreviennent à ces règles :[/b]
This warning is to be placed in all the forum areas, on all the interfaces of the site.

Completed translations
English There is an obligation to strictly respect our text submission rules
Romanian Regulile noastre de introducere a unui text trebuie respectate obligatoriu
Catalan Les nostres regles de presentació de textos s'han de respectar obligatòriament
Dutch De regels voor vertalingen op deze website
Portuguese As nossas regras de submissão de textos devem ser respeitadas obrigatoriamente
Bulgarian Задължение за стриктно спазване на правилата за заявка
German Unsere Regeln zum Vorlegen von Texten müssen unbedingt eingehalten werden
Portuguese brazilian Nossas regras de submissão de textos devem ser obrigatoriamente respeitada
Russian Наши правила подачи запроса обязательно должны соблюдаться
Italian Le nostre regole di immissione testi devono essere obbligatoriamente rispettate
Spanish Nuestras reglas de sumisión de textos deben ser respetadas obligatoriamente
Swedish Det är en skyldighet att respektera våra regler för framställan.
Hebrew כללים מחייבים להגשת טקסטים לתרגום
Danish afvisning
Norwegian ..før en tekst sendes inn for
Greek Οι κανόνες μας για την υποβολή κειμένων πρέπει να γίνονται απόλυτα σεβαστοί.
Turkish Çeviri için geçerli
Polish Witaj! Prosimy przed umieszczeniem tekstu ...
Serbian Naša pravila podnošenja tekstova za prevod se moraju strogo poštovati
Albanian Regullat për të bërë një kërkesë për përkthim, duhet patjetër të respektohen
Arabic يوجد هناك التزاما صارما لاحترام قواعدنا في تقديم النّصوص
Chinese simplified 您有责任严格遵守我们的文本提交规则
Finnish Tekstiä käännettäväksi jätettäessä on sitouduttava noudattamaan määrättyjä sääntöjä
Hungarian A kérelemre vonatkozó szabályaink betartása kötelezõ
Lithuanian Mūsų nustatytos tekstų taisyklės turi būti vykdomos
Croatian Imate obavezu strogo poštovati naša pravila o predavanju tekstova
Persian language رعایت ضوابط ارسال متن ما کاملاً الزامی است
Bosnian Obaveza je strogo poštivati naša pravila o prevođenju
Source language
English There was the time I boiled a rat`s skull in a...
There was the time I boiled a rat`s skull in a saucepan to make customised jewellery.And the time I stripped my 750cc motorbike in the living room,dumping a tank full of petrol over the carpet.Then there was the stand-off between my eleven-foot python and one of the cats,which destroyed the curtains in a bid to escape.

Completed translations
Romanian A fost vremea când...
Source language
Hebrew התגעגעתי אלייך
התגעגעתי אלייך

Completed translations
English I've missed you.
French Je t'as manqué Je vous ai manqué
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Arabic عندما ذهبت إلى السوق وجدت اخي في احدى المحلات...
عندما ذهبت إلى السوق وجدت اخي في احدى المحلات التجارية

Completed translations
English When I went to the market I saw my brother in one of the shops
Romanian Când am mers la piaţă, mi-am găsit fratele într-un magazin.
Source language
Finnish Varjele sitä mikä..
Ennen muuta varjele sitä, mikä on sydämessäsi - siellä on koko elämäsi lähde

Completed translations
English Protect what is in your heart
French Protèges ce qu’est dans ton coeur.
German Schütze, was in deinem Herzen ist
Hebrew מקור חיים
Source language
Russian Поскольку в этой системе отсутствуют элементы, не...
Поскольку в этой системе отсутствуют элементы, не входящие в состав эвлитина, это автоматически решает проблему примесей растворителя в полученных кристаллах. Для выращивания мелких кристаллов это имеет огромное значение, т.к. представляется технологически очень сложным отделение нано- или микро- частиц от исходного растворителя и образовавшихся в процессе роста посторонних твердых фаз, поэтому желательно, чтобы все компоненты раствора участвовали в кристаллизации.
язык классический английский

эвлитин - eulytine

Completed translations
English Since the system is missing elements...
Source language
French C'est la vie!
C'est la vie!

Completed translations
Portuguese brazilian É a vida!
Romanian Asta-i viaţa!
Source language
Russian Слайд В тёмное и ничего Я всё отдам за него...
В тёмное и ничего
Я всё отдам за него

Пусто мне как никогда
С неба по окнам вода

До седьмого неба
Я тебя там встречу
Ты заметишь

До седьмого неба
Я ждала бы вечно

Каплей ко мне на ладонь
Сердце открой и затронь

Знаю, что ты долетишь
Но почему ты молчишь ?
Нас двое

Completed translations
English Fly
Source language
Romanian Bună dimineaţa. Ieri- noapte a lucrat...
Bună dimineaţa. Ieri-noapte a lucrat. Şeful lui M. mi-a zis că a vorbit cu cineva de acolo. Succes la test. Ai grijă.
Original text: mi corazon buna dimineata ieri noapte a lucrat sefu lui marino mi-a zis ca avorbit cucineva de acolo.Succes la test ai grija

*I deleted "mi corazon" because it's not in Romanian, it's Spanish for "my heart/my love/iubirea mea";
*I abbreviated name, M.= male name.

Completed translations
Russian Доброе утро. Вчера вечером работал
Greek Καλημέρα.
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